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praying sent on December 02, 2015 (12:08) by Dreampackers. 40 comments, 5546 views.  [editors pick] [retina]

, 1/30 f/2.8, ISO 1250, tripod.

giovane novizio prega a lume di candela .. scelta da National Geographic Italia tra le 10 migliori foto di Dicembre 2016 e come copertina Facebook di Gennaio 2017

View High Resolution 16.1 MP  

223 persons like it: 3ain, Adele.latella, Adrian.p, Adriano Ghiselli, Agostino Vencato, Ahalm, Akidelpre, Alberto Tirri, Ale93, Alegiane78, Alesrog, Alessandro Faralla, Alessandro Laconi, Alessio Lagreca, Alessio9982, Ale_87, Alfonso Battagliese, Alpha_A5100, Andige, Andnol, Andrea Bergamo, Andreaf948, Angkeel, Anouk, Antonina Eccomi, Antonio Paesanti, Apple818, Arlucio, Arvina, Attilaxx9, Baribal, Basilio Leone, Beppeverge, Bo Larkeed, BokehBeauty, Bruno Cesena, Carletto, Carlo Girola, Carlo Molo, Chris.2244, Cianlox, Civetta_selvaggia, Claudiaaa, Claudio Ricci, Corallo, Cosiminodegenerali, Crowfast_ph, Cusufai, Daniele Dapretto, Dantes, Dariobenji, DarioU, Diego.mancuso, Dokker, Dorlas87, Duca Quaquarone, Duri, Elektronicola, Elia G. De Feudis, Emilio Paolo, Emtc74, Ernesto.s, Errekappa, Feca84, Fefo, Fiodor, Fiorino, ForeverYoung, Francesco D'Ambrosio, Francesco Franceschini, Francofratini, Frara, Fulvio, Fulvio Gioria, Fulvio Serione, G.leo65, Gabriele Bartozzi, Gabriele Mauri, Gaetano Perego, Gaia Alessandro , Gefa, Geronimuss, Ggbruni, Giancarlo Priore, Giancarlo Vetrone, Gianni Aggravi, GionaTabarini, Giordano Fregonese, Giordano Vergani, Giorgiaschuma, Giorgio Guarraia, Giorgione.prof, Giovanni e Davide, Giovibalti, Giuf65, Giuseppe D'amico, Giuseppe Orlando, Gprizzi, Guelfo, Henryp982, Imax48, Innocenti Roberto, Ivan Catellani, Ivan Festa, Ivancosta, Jamsus, Jem, Jordan79, Josesilva, Just_Peppe_Proto86, Juza, Kaimanov, Kalos, Kenhensley, Kris86ita, Kualkeklik, Lamahd, Lattu96, Lazzaro, Lberetta69, Luca Bacchella, Luca Candido, Lucaalessi, LucaRossi76, Luciano Bacci, Luigi Sambuco, Lully, Magù, Mar40, Marcello Massaro, MarcinFotorank, Marco Boria, Marco Neri, Marco Patti, Marco Riccardi, Marco50, Marcocontu1978, Marcom, Marcophotographer, Maria Rosaria Iazzetta, Mario Nardinocchi, Maryas, Mascellable, Mass74, Massimiliano Montemagno, Matteo Bertolaso, Matteobelletti, Matti23, Mautxx, Maxphotoparker, Maxspin73, Maxviii, Mikes81, MoGn3, Moro, Mr Beowulf, Nanuk, Nicozen85, Nordend4612, Novizio, Novreg53, Oleg Tsapko, P.a.t 62, Panets, Paolo Lazzarini, Paolofoto75, Parsifal64, Peppe Cancellieri, Perrsim, Pfaff, PieNat97, Piero Martinez, PietroBettega, Quellolà, Rame00, Renni, Rial, Riccardo Arena Trazzi, Riccardo Spallone, Roberto Cola, Roberto Dani, Roberto Degli Uomini, Roberto M Parma, Roberto Miniero, Roberto Olivieri, Roberto Q, Roberto Ravecca, Roberto Tamanza, Rutuffo, Sadi97, Salvo Gallo, SamuelD.P., Sarto, Savastano, Scorpi1972, Sergik, Serrim, Sigma3000, Siragusa.v, Sirio 56, Sonia1977, Soriana, Spaceman81, Stefania Saffioti, Stefano Marangoni, Stefano Vezzani, Stemm, Stes63, Supercecc56, Testarossa57, TheBlackbird, Tsunamihaz, Uccio 88, Vahid_st, Valerio Colantoni, Vittorio Scatolini, Vittorio.f, Willb972, Windfly70, XFleshcoated, Zamax, Zinder, Zolikron


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sent on December 02, 2015 (12:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

When caught very well.

Hello Roberto

sent on December 02, 2015 (12:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

simply fabulous !!!!
Charming and engaging.

sent on December 03, 2015 (12:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Only two comments (wow!) For a picture really so strong ?!

sent on December 03, 2015 (14:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

and this' one thing that often surprises even me. We are constantly growing dozens of enthusiastic comments for photos and then silly picture like this .......
I reiterate my congratulations to the photo and author.

sent on December 03, 2015 (14:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

ahaha oh thank you so much ...

if you are exposed to Padova at the festival of the East, among the 50 there is also this photo

thank you again

sent on December 03, 2015 (17:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

very beautiful. Congrats
greetings Luca

sent on December 03, 2015 (18:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Congratulations, wonderful !!!

sent on December 03, 2015 (20:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really fine ... excellent shot ... very little noise from ISO which gives an extra dimension to the pictures ...
I think a picture like this should have at least 100 like ... ;-)
bye Bye

sent on January 11, 2016 (9:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Excellent choice of PDR, the upward view is associated very strongly to the direction of gaze.
Very impressive.

sent on January 16, 2016 (18:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

this photo has an evocative truly amazing! wow!
although there is a composition that may seem not flawless, this shooting gives me a lot ... and that's enough!

very good! ;-)

sent on January 22, 2016 (19:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Excellent, compliments 8-) 8-)

sent on January 22, 2016 (20:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Only admiration for this shot! Congratulations :-P

sent on January 29, 2016 (21:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

beautiful photo of a beautiful gallery compliments


sent on January 31, 2016 (0:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

thanks a lot to everyone

sent on June 01, 2016 (0:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very beautiful ... I would say very intense and engaging. Compliments!! Peppe greetings

sent on March 07, 2017 (14:23) | This comment has been translated

What a nice photo, congrats!

sent on March 07, 2017 (15:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

really very impressive, congratulations

sent on March 07, 2017 (19:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Evocative, intense ... even more because I see a child who by definition echo the game rather than to prayer.

Nice shot

sent on March 08, 2017 (12:17) | This comment has been translated


sent on March 21, 2017 (9:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Chapeau !!
Series which I devoured with eyes glòi
This is sensational

RCE Foto

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