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| sent on November 20, 2014 (13:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
As the title says "perfect" Well done, one click superb! Hello. joseph. Come dice il titolo "perfetta" Complimenti, uno scatto superbo! ciao. giuseppe. |
user55947 | sent on November 20, 2014 (14:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Sculptural ..... very nice. Scultorea.....molto bella. |
user24517 | sent on November 20, 2014 (14:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Statuary Statuaria |
| sent on November 20, 2014 (14:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
“ finally a masterpiece „ ..oh hahaha eh eh ... I always have a lover can not be expected:-D " finalmente un capolavoro" ahahah eh ..oh io sempre amatore sono eh ...non si può pretendere |
| sent on November 20, 2014 (15:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Simple Semplice |
| sent on November 20, 2014 (15:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
very nice, simple but captivating! appropriate changes color you choose, goes divinely with the complexion of the model 8-) davvero molto bella, semplice ma comunque ammaliante! appropriato il viraggio che hai scelto, si sposa divinamente con la carnagione della modella |
| sent on November 20, 2014 (16:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wonderful !!! Meravigliosa!!! |
| sent on November 20, 2014 (16:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Excellent as all the other good you and her as well. Hello Giulio Ottima come tutte le altre bravo tu e lei pure. Ciao Giulio |
| sent on November 20, 2014 (19:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
What about ... wow! Nice Che dire... Bella |
| sent on November 21, 2014 (5:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
For the pose and the colors there is no doubt, but there's something about the girl's skin than not I come back, I see so many dots blacks, as grainy. is an effect of light with some cream that you put the girl? or qulche problem in post production? elbow and shoulder left buttock the most affected. Per la posa e i colori non ci sono dubbi, pero c'è qualcosa sulla pelle della ragazza che no mi torna, vedo tanti puntini neri, come sgranata. è un effetto della luce con qualche crema che si è messa la ragazza? o qulche problema nella post produzione? gomito spalla e gluteo sx i più colpiti. |
| sent on November 21, 2014 (8:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Tornado: I do not see all these dots, Cmq may be variations in color of the skin that some people of color are often, as in his, which are highlighted in the post maybe more;-) @Tornado: non vedo tutti questi puntini, cmq potrebbero essere variazioni del colore della pelle che in alcune persone di colore spesso si trovano, come nella sua, che nella post forse si evidenziano di più |
user5755 | sent on November 21, 2014 (9:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
beautiful photo associated with a model belllissima bellissima foto associata ad una belllissima modella |
| sent on November 21, 2014 (23:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
“ Tornado: I do not see all these dots, Cmq may be variations in color of the skin that some people of color are often, as in his, which are highlighted in the post maybe more; -) „
Bon'm going to take an eye test and monitor change I dedicate myself to something else:-D " @Tornado: non vedo tutti questi puntini, cmq potrebbero essere variazioni del colore della pelle che in alcune persone di colore spesso si trovano, come nella sua, che nella post forse si evidenziano di più ;-)" Bon vado a farmi un esame della vista cambio monitor e mi dedico ad altro |
| sent on November 21, 2014 (23:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
“ change the monitor and I dedicate myself to something else „ nahhhh do like me ... I took the colormunkiTM XRITE and now the colors are perfect;-) " cambio monitor e mi dedico ad altro" nahhhh fai come me...ho preso il colormunki della xrite ed ora i colori sono perfetti |
| sent on November 22, 2014 (10:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very, very nice Molto ma molto bella |
| sent on December 22, 2014 (18:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really a very nice bravo to you and to the model that without which you would not have done'm masterpiece. :-) Veramente molto bella un bravo a te e alla modella che senza la quale non avresti fatto sto capolavoro. |
| sent on December 22, 2014 (18:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
“ without which you would not have done'm masterpiece „ oh yes ... if I used I would not have made the same:-D " senza la quale non avresti fatto sto capolavoro" eh si...se mi mettevo io non avrebbe reso uguale |
| sent on December 24, 2014 (19:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Maybe you do not look at anyone. Happy Holidays Forse non ti guardava nessuno. Buone feste |
| sent on April 20, 2015 (7:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
"Please look at the picture as a whole ..." because it is an animated picture 360 ??degrees? He turns? :-D " si prega di guardare la foto nella sua interezza..." perché, è una foto animata a 360 gradi ? Si girá ? |
| sent on August 05, 2015 (16:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
As I like chocolate !!!!! perfect very good Hello antonove quanto mi piace la cioccolata!!!!! perfetta bravissimo ciao antonove |

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