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  1. Galleries
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  3. Landscape (wilderness)
  4. » Outer Hebrides - Isle of Harris

Outer Hebrides - Isle of Harris...

2014 Ai confini della Scozia

View gallery (21 photos)

Outer Hebrides - Isle of Harris sent on November 20, 2014 (10:56) by Marina Raimondi. 10 comments, 1919 views.

, 1/320 f/13.0, ISO 100, hand held.

18mm. - La regione di Harris è davvero spettacolare: colline seducenti, verdi pendii che degradano verso baie di sabbia bianca lambite da acque cristalline e turchesi che sembrano uscite da una cartolina dei Caraibi. Un angolo assolutamente sperduto nell'oceano dove sembra di essere gli unici abitanti della terra. #isola #isole #mare #Scotland #see

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sent on November 26, 2014 (11:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Yes Marina Hebrides islands are beautiful and your gallery represents them very well, from this photograph that I love.
A greeting.

sent on November 26, 2014 (11:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Uniquely fascinating that you've been able to shoot very well!
Greetings, Roberto.

sent on November 26, 2014 (15:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Thanks Joseph.
You're always too good;-):-)

@ Roberto
Thanks for the ride.
I hope I have done the good job you say:-)


sent on December 04, 2014 (8:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I share your impressions written! I would have your bags ready to go stay here!: Fconfuso::-D Just a great glimpse! A salutone! :-P;-)

sent on December 04, 2014 (11:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Fulvio Thanks:-)
The photo does not do absolutely amazing about the place that we found ourselves suddenly, the wind, the sun that looked quickly for a few minutes and we there, waiting for turning on the light hoping it was the right one;-): -D
E 'remained the curiosity to find out how you can live in certain latitudes.


sent on December 10, 2014 (14:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Marina, meanwhile congratulations for the journey and the photographic reportage that carries part of the emotions that you have lived and pleasantly share with us all.

The shot seems very interesting, the trend of the shape of the waves from the beach a lot of depth to 'image. A personal taste I would have given more light to the scene like this:

while we've spent a bit of time I moved halftones white balance towards yellow and increased the saturation of this color scheme ... I do not know if you like, was so much to talk about and discuss it together;-)


sent on December 10, 2014 (14:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

CBR />
The results suggest that it does not seem bad. The colors are definitely brighter.
I see myself doing some checking in the direction that you suggest.
See you soon and again THANK YOU.


sent on December 11, 2014 (7:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Raffaele I put into practice your suggestion and actually the picture has improved brightness and colors. I have not posted because it is like your own:-D
Thanks again.


sent on December 11, 2014 (8:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you Marina for availability. Surely yours is better, since you have the file available in Raw:-)

If we do not feel best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a playful New Year;-)


sent on December 11, 2014 (12:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

We hope to hear for sure:-P
Hello Raffaele.


RCE Foto

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