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  1. Galleries
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  3. Birds
  4. » Among the reddish clouds flocks of black birds

Among the reddish clouds flocks of black birds...

Uccelli 2

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Among the reddish clouds flocks of black birds sent on August 22, 2020 (8:55) by Coradocon. 122 comments, 3119 views. [retina]

1/640 f/2.4, ISO 50, hand held.

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sent on September 19, 2023 (8:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I had missed this; is very beautiful...

sent on January 18, 2025 (9:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The birds in flight seem painted, their black silhouettes stand out against the fiery shades of the sunset and like notes of a melody that dissolve in the air...

RCE Foto

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