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| sent on May 28, 2016 (8:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Great shot Andrea, congratulations !! Hello, Arvina :-) Grande scatto Andrea, complimenti!! Ciao, Arvina |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (8:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really nice Andrea Bravo
Greetings Luca Davvero bella Bravo Andrea Saluti Luca |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (8:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Plain and simple, I like the composition of the PDR and BN congratulations for the beautiful intuition and the glance. hello PP Semplice e essenziale , mi piace la composizione il PDR e il BN complimenti per la bella intuizione e per il colpo d'occhio . ciao PP |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (8:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very strong. Great Andrea :-D Fortissima. Grande Andrea |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (9:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
One way to remember the places we love, the places where we love to come back.
very beautiful
Patrician Andata e ritorno Un modo per ricordare i luoghi che amiamo, i luoghi dove amiamo ritornare. Molto bella Ciao Patrizio |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (9:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I agree with the comment of Pedropony Congratulations Andrea! Good weekend Antonella Condivido il commento di Pedropony Complimenti Andrea! Buon fine settimana Antonella |
user62049 | sent on May 28, 2016 (9:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Original and well executed. Bel bn "hard" Hello and good weekend Marco Originale e ben eseguita. Bel bn "duro" Ciao e buon fine settimana Marco |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (10:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
lovely Andrea, beautiful quote that united at the click gives us the knowledge that the intentions may mutate and oppose, not remain static (especially wrong ;-)) Hello! Cat molto bella Andrea, e bella la citazione, che unita allo scatto ci dà la consapevolezza che le intenzioni possono mutarsi e opporsi, non restare statiche (specie se sbagliate) ciao! Gatta |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (10:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful, hello Andrea. Bella, ciao Andrea. |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (11:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you for the welcome comments:
@Agata, Thanks for the compliment .. ;-)
@Arvina ..... Thanks ;-)
@Luca M. ... hello, thanks ;-)
@Pedropony, Thanks for the welcome compliments ... ;-)
@Bal .... Thanks .. ;-)
@Patrizio, True home is home ... ;-)
@Antonella, Good weekend to you too ... ;-)
@ Mark, when you can find the bn "marked" beautiful, we good to you .. ;-)
@Gatta ... You're right actually is so .... ;-)
@Andrea ... thanks ;-)
Greetings to all, renewing the hope of a good weekend .....
Andrew ;-)
Ringrazio per il gradito commento: @Silvia.. @Ann... @Agata, grazie per il complimento.. @Arvina..... thanks @Luca M. ... un saluto, grazie @Pedropony, grazie per i graditi complimenti... @Bal.... grazie.. @Patrizio , proprio vero casa è casa... @Antonella, buon week end anche a te... @Marco,quando si puó trovo il bn "marcato" bellissimo, buon w.e. a te.. @Gatta... hai ragione effettivamente è cosí.... @Andrea...grazie Un saluto a tutti, rinnovando l'augurio di un buon week end ..... Andrea |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (14:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Did you have a good eye in taking these signs graphics. I like the b / n countered. Clara Hai avuto buon occhio nel riprendere questi segni grafici. Mi piace il b/n contrastato. Clara |
user63275 | sent on May 28, 2016 (14:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I love this kind of photo, enclose itself a great communicative message and a wide-ranging for those who want to open their lungs and change aria.Bravo Andrea ...... but I tell you to do ;-) Best wishes and good weekend Alessio Amo questa tipologia di foto,racchiudono in se un grande messaggio comunicativo e un ampio respiro per chi vuole aprire i propri polmoni e cambiare aria.Bravo Andrea......ma che te lo dico a fare Un caro saluto e buon fine settimana Alessio |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (16:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Clara thanks for the compliment .. good afternoon. . Andrew ;-) Clara grazie per il complimento.. buon pomeriggio. . Andrea |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (16:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you Alessio for pleasing compliments; I have a good sense of observation and often helps me; I believe that life is up and down; if it was all up in there we get bored; wrapped just fine the "X" to get a draw .. The down is used to develop us and make us appreciate more the up. .. Hello, good afternoon. . Andrew ;-) Ti ringrazio Alessio per i complimenti graditi; ho un buon spirito di osservazione e spesso mi aiuta; credo che la vita sia up e down; se fosse tutta in up ci annoieremo; avvolte andrebbe bene anche la "X" per ottenere un pareggio.. Il down serve per farci crescere e per farci apprezzare di più L'up. .. Un saluto , buon pomeriggio. . Andrea |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (18:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful BN Andrea! :-P :-P Hello Annalisa Bellissimo BN Andrea! ciao Annalisa |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (18:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The caption that brings reminds me a little 'a step of Gibran that says that parents and children are the archers arrows; also in this case it is the fundamental aims. The photo, which by the way you composed very well, with its minimal graphical components but very strong and precise lends itself well to deep reflection. That's why I like it even more. Hello La didascalia che riporti mi ricorda un po' un passo di Gibran che dice che i genitori sono gli arcieri e i figli le frecce; anche in questo caso è fondamentale la mira. La foto, che tra l'altro hai composto benissimo, con le sue componenti grafiche minime ma molto forti e precise si presta bene a riflessioni profonde. Per questo mi piace ancora di più. Ciao |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (19:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Annalisa, I thank the welcome step, wishing you a good weekend ............ Andre ;-) Annalisa, ti ringrazio del gradito passaggio, augurandoti un buon fine settimana............ Andre |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (20:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
It actually resembles the piece of Gibran that you have mentioned, for children is so you think it is right that once walked to life should intrapredere their journey alone, "mistakes included" ..... Thank you Luigi, wishing you a good evening and a good w .... Andrew ;-) ;-) Si in effetti ricorda molto il pezzo di Gibran che tu hai citato, per i figli è cosí credo sia giusto che una volta incamminati alla vita debbano intrapredere il loro cammino da soli, "sbagli compresi"..... Ti ringrazio Luigi, augurandoti una buona serata e un buon w.e..... Andrea |
user59947 | sent on May 28, 2016 (20:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
wooooooooow that beautiful: -o: -o nice colors and contrast and excellent PDR Congratulations Andrew, never disappoint :-) Hello wooooooooow che bella bei colori e contrasto e ottimo PDR complimenti Andrea, non deludi mai ciao |
| sent on May 28, 2016 (20:17) | This comment has been translated
Interesting |
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