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| sent on September 12, 2023 (16:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
“ I see that the trip to Rome has paid off... ;-) beautiful! „ Ehhhh but you snubbed us, there was, indeed, there is room for you too. It's a way out of the squalid social media. " Vedo che la gita a Roma ha dato i suoi frutti... ;-) bella!" Ehhhh ma tu ci snobbi, c'era, anzi, c'è posto anche per te. E' un modo per uscire dallo squallidume dei social. |
| sent on September 12, 2023 (16:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Edmund :-D :-D Edmondo |
| sent on September 12, 2023 (17:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I only photograph at night, I'm no longer used to sunlight... :-D Io ormai fotografo soltanto di notte, non sono più abituato alla luce del sole... |
| sent on September 12, 2023 (17:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
“ I only photograph at night, I'm no longer used to sunlight... MrGreen „ but around here before the photographs you think of magnà! Then comes the rest, isn't it Frank? " Io ormai fotografo soltanto di notte, non sono più abituato alla luce del sole... MrGreen" ma da queste parti prima delle fotografie si pensa a magnà! Poi viene il resto, vero Frank? |
| sent on September 12, 2023 (17:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
They are already on a stick.. :-D Sono già a stecchetto.. |
| sent on September 12, 2023 (18:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Morning spent with friends, I had the opportunity to meet you in person and I'm happy, some shots with the talented and beautiful Giorgia ... What can I say, these are the things that are good for the heart. ;-) :-) Mattinata passata con amici, ho avuto occasione di conoscerti di persona e ne sono felice, qualche scatto con la bravissima e bellissima Giorgia...che dire, queste sono le cose che fanno bene al cuore. |
| sent on September 12, 2023 (18:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The thing Joseph is reciprocal. It was a pleasure to shake hands with you, Edmund and _Axl_. You are wonderful people, you absolutely have to replicate :-D È reciproca la cosa Giuseppe. È stato un piacere stringere la mano a te, a Edmondo e a _Axl_. Siete persone splendide, bisogna assolutamente replicare |
| sent on September 12, 2023 (20:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
@Jerry Vacchieri ;) @Jerry Vacchieri ;) |
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