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The Golden Hall...


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The Golden Hall sent on April 14, 2016 (20:04) by Ulysseita. 28 comments, 10864 views.

at 16mm, 1/125 f/9.0, ISO 250, hand held. Milano, Italy.

Stitch di 6 foto dentro la Galleria! #interni #architettura #simmetria

129 persons like it: -massimiliano-, 7h3 L4w, Afrikachiara, Agata Arezzo, Alessandro Maggiore, Alon88, Alter_ego_, Anciardo, Annamaria Pertosa, Ardian, Argesal, Artemius, Arvina, Bagua, Batcaius, Bljum, BlueSky49, Candide, Cat79, Claudio Ricci, Cris1976, Cristiano Bellesi, Dantes, Davide Tundis, Domenico., Donoterase, Edoardo1948, Eleonoire, Emanuel Foglia, Enrico De Capitani, EnricoEos, Eosman, Fabio Di Pierro, Fabrizio Comizzoli, Fede2375, Filiberto, Flaber70, Flavio Paganelli, Fonzie, Fotomax, Fotonutria, Fracchia91, Francesco Iafelice, Francescolauriola, Franco Galattica, Fratellone75, Fulvio Gioria, Gabriele Mauri, Gazebo, Giani Scarpa, Giannigianni, Gibaio, Giovabubi, Joseph L., Kikkiricky, Korra88, Lauc, Laurenzo, Layu, Leonardo Nieri, Leone Giuliano, Lillophoto, Lorenzo Bel, Luca Mandelli, LucaT79, Lucianog, Luis Salinas, Lupo Manulo, Lusa, M.ghise, MadEmilio, Marco Bonetti, Marco Pogliana, MarcoCB, Marcophotographer, Mariomazzurana, Mario_61, Martinclimber, Mascellable, Massaro Valerio, Massimo Soldani Benzi, Matisse02, Maximilian69, Maxlaz66, Mazzerix, Mcolloca, Mnardell, Momo120, Nerone, Nico Vit, Nikcola, Nonnachecca, Nordend4612, OpenSpaces, Pergola, Peter Pipistrello, Picco Paolo, Pike78, Pino Scarfone, Puliciclone, Puppodums, Rame00, Renzo Fermo, Rial, Rino Orlandi, Roberto Degli Uomini, Robgrame, Saborio, Salvo L. G., Sandro Cressi, Sercarlo, Sergio Levorato, Sestri1970, Sg67, Silver58, Simone, Soriana, Ste83, Stefano Di Chiazza, Stefanopc, Taddeo3, Totò_P, Tripleh, Valerossi84, Vincenzo Sciumè, Vincenzo92, Vitino, VittorioDs, Zio Bob


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sent on June 02, 2016 (4:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

beautiful is beautiful but not only this, Uly from what I understand is specialized in this genre, again congratulations.

sent on June 03, 2016 (18:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Congratulations, I also have photos in the gallery of the same place but your results like a lot more. Hello

sent on June 03, 2016 (18:12) | This comment has been translated

Really nice, congratulations!

sent on June 06, 2016 (13:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Many thanks for your comments!

sent on August 23, 2016 (9:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Family glimpse ...
You could write, we cruised for a Ramazzotti :-D :-D :-D

sent on March 08, 2017 (19:33) | This comment has been translated

Nice picture!

sent on November 16, 2017 (21:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful shot really well composed, beautiful lighting and color management.



sent on July 15, 2019 (19:02) | This comment has been translated


RCE Foto

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