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Like on another planet...

Photo Art

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Like on another planet sent on November 20, 2021 (17:04) by Rinaldo1005. 22 comments, 1064 views. [retina]

, 1/50 f/7.1, ISO 1250, tripod.

Che ne dite se dopo tanti mesi di mia assenza pubblico una foto? Che ne dite se lo faccio per sfogarmi un pó? Che ne dite se asserisco di trovarmi su un'altro pianeta? Un pianeta a cui giorno dopo giorno vengono sottratte le libertá per le quali i nostri Padri avevano combattuto e alle quali eravamo abituati. Nemmeno la Chiesa in una nuova ventata di neo-arianesimo, per anni custode delle nostre tradizioni e delle nostre identitá cristiane, ci fa scudo in questo mondo globalizzato, decadente ed avviato verso una dittatura di pochi che a nome della salute altrui e del nostro bene ci induce sempre piú nel vedere verso l'altro, l'untore o la causa dei nostri problemi. La Chiesa che prima pregava l'intercessione dei Santi in caso di epidemie e sciagure varie, adesso si premura per la somministrazione della Santa fialetta e il suo "capo" é il primo a farsi avanti. I Vescovi CEI asserendo “No Vax lontani da Vangelo e Costituzione" mostrano di non aver capito né il Vangelo né la costituzione. Quanto giá accaduto in Italia negli anni 20 e in Germania negli anni 30 si sta ripetendo in una forma molto piú moderna ma anche molto piú efficace. Il Duce e il Führer disponevano solo di poche piazze e di qualche balcone per diffondere i loro "ideali" e per dare la colpa delle proprie miserie a chi si trovava dall'altro lato del confine oppure a chi entro i propri confini la pensava in modo diverso. Adesso invece, abbiamo Internet, radio, televisione .... La storia si ripete e nonostante questa sia esposta dettagliatamente nei libri di storia, la gente continua ad andare in giro con fette di prosciutto sugli occhi e... mascherine sulla bocca e sul naso. Non vede e non sente! perché mai dovrebbe? I nostri governanti (tutta l'Europa) fanno il nostro interesse. Ci rinchiudono per il nostro bene, ci fanno indossare inutilmente una mascherina all'esterno per il nostro bene, e persino mascherandolo come un'atto volontario, iniettano una soluzione sperimentale per il nostro bene. Non sei daccordo? Allora sei fascista! Si vogliono "salvare" gli ottantenni e per questo rischiamo di far ammalare i bambini con un siero che non è correttamente testato? Gli ottantenni che sino a poco fa non interessavano nessuno, né ai familiari e tantomeno lo Stato che doveva pagargli la pensione. Un siero e non un vaccino quello che viene iniettato che si sta rivelando non efficace. Questo lo confermano i dati di incidenza nella media Europea. Ancora una volta in Italia si canta vittoria rispetto agli altri Paesi senza contare che Paesi che come la Svezia non avevano rinchiuso nessuno adesso stanno meglio, o che Paesi che hanno vaccinato moltissimo come l'Irlanda stanno molto peggio. Il vaccino vero e tradizionale forse arriva in aprile. E mentre si da ancora la caccia all'ultimo untore la democrazia scompare sempre di piú nel nome della nostra salute. Che ne dite, siamo ancora sullo stesso pianeta? Foto: Si tratta di una bolla di sapone fatta a circa 15 gradi sotto-zero. Quindi si é congelata immediatamente e per qualche secondo era fotografabile. Poi si é sgonfiata. Tutte le foto contenute in queste gallerie sono copyright ©Rinaldo e non possono essere utilizzate in alcuna forma senza il consenso dell'autore.

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sent on November 20, 2021 (16:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

It's up to you to guess what it is.
I beg to abstain from the friends to whom I have already referred it. ;-)
Good vision and comments very welcome :-P

sent on November 20, 2021 (17:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

hello Rinaldo well found :-P about the subject you took I do not know absolutely what I can be ... it could be a grain of hail I don't know ... regarding the planet Earth and the alleged stolen freedom 'I absolutely disagree ... for every free man novax there will surely be another 100 men who will lose their freedom just because they were close to the unvaccinated one and will not be able to go to work study etc etc ... trust me because I had the direct experience. Regarding the vaccine that at the moment is the only weapon .... we have nothing else ... for better or for worse!a big hug dear friend.

sent on November 20, 2021 (17:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks for the comment Rosario,
one day maybe someone will tell the truth and believe me that it is not what they tell us otherwise in Europe the incidence of today would be much better than that of last year ;-)
hail? Loc ;-)
PS: Maybe in April a vaccine arrives ;-)

sent on November 20, 2021 (18:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Rinaldo what a pleasure to hear from you and see you again with this very and very particular image with this oval that looks just like a planet scattered in the infinite universe. I read your very interesting reflection on which you can be or disagree cmq rendered and written with a lot of education

sent on November 20, 2021 (19:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

:-P thanks FrancescoCool

sent on November 20, 2021 (19:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you.
Oral data in France of November 12:
54% of those admitted to intensive care are vaccinated with a double dose (of what ?).

sent on November 20, 2021 (19:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Congratulations for your courage to deal with the subject, courage that I did not have, I would have liked but .... a world in reverse

sent on November 20, 2021 (19:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Paolo and Fabio, thank you!
Fabio you are still in time! Likes are related :-D and they will be few ;-)
Even in Germany half in intensive care is vaccinated. The current incidence is three times higher than last year on the same day when there were no vaccines yet.

sent on November 20, 2021 (22:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice.

sent on November 21, 2021 (23:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The image I have no idea what it can be, perhaps a knob, boh ....
As regarding the rest of what you write, I think that the freedom of each of us ends where the freedom of others begins; and a matter of respect and understanding the moment when claims do not transcend into prevarication; but now weighting and common sense is no longer part of this world, alas!
A warm greeting.

sent on November 22, 2021 (7:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Freedom is essential and must always be respected.
Both that of minorities, both sexual and racial. The dictatorship begins where the individual is no longer respected.
It's not a knob ;-)

sent on November 22, 2021 (12:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Congratulations! A truly wonderful image!
Stefania :-)

sent on November 22, 2021 (15:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

sent on November 22, 2021 (15:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@Rinaldo1005 Complex and specialized topic because we are all footballers when we play the World Cup, politicians and economists in times of crisis, doctors in illness.
Yoy shots are always harbingers of reflection, I think this time you have surpassed yourself. The image makes you shiver but unfortunately makes this ephemeral reality.
A good evening.

sent on November 22, 2021 (15:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The photo, especially after your technical explanations I like 8-)
Yoo long dissertation (which I do not share), no. :-/ ...
With sympathy 8-)
Hello, Charles

sent on November 22, 2021 (16:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I like your photo, and I am pleased that you return to post your shots and share the shots of the forum, I also like the idea of freezing a soap bubble and the interpretation you give in the title, even to me sometimes it seems to me that our world is upset and that we are losing many certainties. As for your outburst no vax, I do not feel able to intervene, I can only tell you that I personally got vaccinated and that when it is my turn I will do the third dose.
A greeting Agatha ;-)

sent on November 22, 2021 (16:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Your photo is as confusing as your thought..... if you can afford to go around without protection you have to thank those who have been vaccinated who with his courage allows you to do the swagger ...... those who have experienced the loss of friends tell you.

sent on November 22, 2021 (17:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The photo, honestly, more than beautiful is curious, at least after reading what it is.
As for the thought expressed in the caption, I believe that it certainly belongs more to an ideological view rather than reasonably scientific.
I did the two doses and I had no problem and, in two days, I will do with pleasure, for me and for those close to me, the third dose.
This, for God's sake, everyone is free to think of it as they see fit.
A warm greeting, Rinaldo !
Massimo :-)

sent on November 22, 2021 (18:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I like the photo, but I copy and paste in full the comment of GIOS!
Cordiali greetings
Marisa :-)

sent on November 22, 2021 (18:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Congratulations for the idea, the experiment and the photo, a bit '"cold" :-D yet interesting. It resembles Miranda, a Moon of Uranus. About the other "experiment"... the caption left me amazed, amazed. I'm just afraid that this is the least suitable place to express "Political" thoughts... I say it en passant.. there is a risk of contracting "dislikes", even "photographic". That's fine with me: Sincerity first of all, bravo. For the rest, I only add that at this point I have the distinct impression that the "vaccine" has been "assembled" at the same time as Sars-CoV2. Not after 8-10 months, but well before its "release" ;-) "Vaccine".. maddeché!? Sabin is turning in his grave.
A greeting :-) good light, G.Piero

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