RCE Foto

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  4. » # 3 Cyanotype Cyanotype turn tannic acid

# 3 Cyanotype Cyanotype turn tannic acid...

Tecniche alternative

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sent on March 31, 2017 (14:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Sal61,
beautiful color photos and fine effect. really old techniques you use?

Hello Roberto

sent on March 31, 2017 (15:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

compliments' beautiful !!

sent on March 31, 2017 (16:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Congratulations especially for finding and using this technique.
That said, for my curiosity this kind of photos in which category should be included because although it is photos, I guess made with a B / W film, maybe some purists and / or a little 'rosicone maybe could say that is not a photo b / n ..
I am interested to know your opinion because I could do a little thought to the picture with film and analog camera.

sent on April 03, 2017 (9:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

sent on April 03, 2017 (9:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Sal61,
I really like your experiment. But it takes chemical capacity or anyone with a little 'patience you can do? The necessary materials are tracking down the pharmacy without too much trouble?
I have a couple of ancient rooms in large format and it m'intriga ...

Hello Roberto

sent on April 03, 2017 (10:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Roberto, no specific capacity, at least for these techniques (some are taught in primary schools). Internet Access: there are several sites where you can find the material, the costs are very low. I suggest you watch some videos on youtube, starts from the cyanotype, the simplest.
If in doubt, ask as well. Too bad that are far away or I would have invited you to my shows at the festival of photography in Brescia. I'm at the MOCA (until June) with the two-tone rubber (also ancient technique, very laborious) and Planet Vigasio (until Saturday, April 8) with some prints I put into this series. The photographic reproduction of the prints does not give justice to the work, it would be preferable to see them from "true."
hello Salvatore

sent on April 03, 2017 (11:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Salvatore,
thanks for the tips! I admire you for the work you do. Recover ancient techniques is a beautiful thing.
A question: why no shots with an old room? I do not think it is complicated, and not so expensive: there are rooms of the wooden bellows 13x18cm 200-300 Euro, functional. It 'clear that then the format is.

Hello, and again congratulations!

sent on April 03, 2017 (11:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Roberto. Yes, in fact I was thinking about a folding.
Good day :-)

sent on April 03, 2017 (11:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

If I were nearby, I'll pay it gladly ... ;-)
Congratulations and good luck with shows!

Good day to you too,

RCE Foto

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